On the Relation between Existential Philosophy and Religion. Heidegger’s Readings of Schleiermacher


  • Lourdes Flamarique Universidad de Navarra


religion, factic life, historicity, destruction, feeling, self-consciousness


Heidegger prepares the way for his hermeneutic-existential phenomenology by reading, among other texts, Schleiermacher’s writings. In Schleiermacher’s theological and philosophical thoughts, mainly in the explanation of religion and the relation between feeling and self-consciousness, some characteristics concepts of Heidegger can already be found. Following some notes and references by Heidegger, this article proposes a dialogue with both thinkers, that shows the continuity of Schleiermacher’s discussion on finitude, individuality and historicity of the existence along the lessons that Heidegger dictated in 1919 and 1920


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How to Cite

Flamarique, L. (2013). On the Relation between Existential Philosophy and Religion. Heidegger’s Readings of Schleiermacher. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(252), 213–239. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/pensamiento/article/view/1633


