Miguel de Unamuno: Intersections between Metaphisics and Politics


  • José-Manuel Iglesias-Granda Instituto de Filosofía CSIC




Spain, history, metaphysics, politics, Unamuno


The purpose of this project is to emphasize that an adequate comprehension of Miguel de Unamuno’s political thinking and action requires a meticulous understanding of the author’s metaphysics. The evolution of his philosophical life, intimately related to his existential growth, marked not only his ideology, but also his approach to understanding and making history and society. It that way, four intersection axis between politics and metaphysics have been discovered. Even though he himself regarded his writings as being his chief political commitment, the pundit’s participation in the national life at the time, was crucial. Spiritual maturation led him to abandon the utopian methods of socialism, and to defend positions where the spiritual dimensions of mankind prevailed. Thanks to this, Mr. Unamuno undoubtedly identified the danger of both fascist and communist methods, actively defying displays of both in Spain. For him, the essence and purpose of the country, beyond all ideologies, lay in the cardinal duty of living and defending the mad philosophy of the Tragic sense of life.


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How to Cite

Iglesias-Granda, J.-M. (2021). Miguel de Unamuno: Intersections between Metaphisics and Politics. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(291 Extra), 1239–1261. https://doi.org/10.14422/pen.v76.i291.y2020.022