María Zambrano and the city




city, house, creation, love, faith, democracy


Zambrano’s suggestive meditations on the city are compared with other contemporary writings on the house; and not so much because the city is also architecture, but because it is dwelled and walked, because it shows an order to be executed, enlivened from the rhythm of our going, coming, our stays and our absences; like the music. For Zambrano, the city is a paradigm and an ideal place for human creation throughout the History. Love as dedication and faith is the engine of all creation that transcends its own time, and only from there it could take place a recovery of the city in our present, where we only live in large urban constructions, nevertheless the cities don´t already arise. Zambrano claims to recover the city as a sacred and creative center, however not as a nostalgic return to the cities of the past, but as true realization of her democratic political ideal.


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How to Cite

Pinilla-Burgos, R. (2021). María Zambrano and the city. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 76(291 Extra), 1341–1359.