The role of symbolism in the philosophy of Nishida Kitarõ




Nishida Kitarõ, Japanese philosophy, self-consciousness, Symbolist Poetry, Modern Japan


As an alternative to the multiple studies about the philosophy of Nishida Kitarõ (1870- 1945), this essay wants to present a research line about questions not normally considered in the interpretation of his philosophy. The intention is to demonstrate how a close look to the idea of «symbol» and the citations of symbolist poetry in Nishida’s works can offer a plausible key for a better comprehension of his selfconsciousness system that appears in works as Intuition and Reflection in Self-consciousness (1917) or Problems of consciousness (1920).


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How to Cite

Crespín Perales, M. . (2022). The role of symbolism in the philosophy of Nishida Kitarõ. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 77(296), 609–638.