Kierkegaard on God and Evil

«Your eyes are too pure to look on evil» (Hab 1,13)




Kierkegaard, evil, love, God, children


This article aims to approach the mystery of evil in the work of S. Kierkegaard. Taking as its starting point the work launched into the world during the author’s lifetime, both the pseudonymous writings and the ones signed by him, this text deals with the mystery of evil and its relationship with God’s Love, which is the central mystery of the aforementioned thinker. The importance of approaching the mystery of iniquity also from the edifying discourses as well as in The Works of Love is emphasized. In doing this we bring a different approach to the mystery of evil in the Kierkegaardian reception and love becomes relevant as the way to approach evil without becoming accomplices to it. This is made possible, among other elements, because God and the one who loves, mutatis mutandis, do not see the evil of evil.


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How to Cite

Viñas Vera, Ángel . (2022). Kierkegaard on God and Evil: «Your eyes are too pure to look on evil» (Hab 1,13). Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 77(296), 677–692.