Between God and the men. George Steiner’s philosophy of education
religion, human dignity, Jewish philosophy, educational philosophy, classical literature, humanities, booksAbstract
The relationship between the jewish world and the philosophy of education ranges from the understanding of Tōrā to the current intellectuals. Of these, who has exercised a greater influence on the spanish philosophers of education is, perhaps, George Steiner. This paper aims to articulate his conception of education based on the systematic reading of his work from a purely pedagogical point of view. Hence, the starting point for understanding his proposals resides in the manner in which the philologist interprets the Jewish identity. From there one can understand the role given to the memory, the educational relationship, the books, the humanities and the possible educational policy. All to see that, beyond the use that has been given of the arguments of Steiner, the question about the existence of God, from which his theodicy is born, and the need for a theological formation plans his educational philosophy.
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