Limit, position and eccentricity. Elements for an Aristotelical Reading of Helmuth Plessner




Helmuth Plessner, Aristotle, philosophical anthropology, life, boundary, position, eccentricity


Helmuth Plessner is considered one of the founders of Philosophical Anthropology as this discipline is understood nowadays: a philosophical reflexion that cares of the data received from Biology, Paleontology, Culture or History. In 1928 Plessner published Levels of the Organic Life and the Human, translated into English for the first time in 2019. This paper exposes the main points of Plessner’s proposal and, at the same time, shows the closeness of these with many of the ideas that, almost twenty four centuries ago, wrote Aristotle on the same topics.


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How to Cite

Aranguren, J. (2024). Limit, position and eccentricity. Elements for an Aristotelical Reading of Helmuth Plessner. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 80(308), 351–374.


