Fideism and Scepticism in Montaigne. On the defense df Raimond Sebond In The Apology (Essais, Ii, 12)




Montaigne, apology of Raymond Sebond, scepticism, fideism, natural theology


By commenting on the last paragraphs of Montaigne’s response to the first objection made to Ramón Sibiuda (Essays, II, 12), the aim of this paper is: a) To specify the nature of Montaigne’s defense, based on the usefulness rather than the truth of Sibiuda’s arguments; b) To specify the relationship between fideism and skepticism in Montaigne, a relationship that passes through an ambiguity of positions (of the fideist, of the free thinker, and of the good Catholic), but in which judgment seems to finally dominate; c) And to specify the conception of God that appears in the answer to that objection, and the role that seems to play in the project of the Essays, that is, a hidden God whose access does not depend on us, so we cannot build our life by exercising our judgment from Him.


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How to Cite

Llinàs Begon, J. L. (2024). Fideism and Scepticism in Montaigne. On the defense df Raimond Sebond In The Apology (Essais, Ii, 12). Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 80(308), 495–514.



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