Ethical implications of Hans-Georg Gadamer's hermeneutics
hermeneutics, applied ethics, health, society, education, solidarityAbstract
Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2001) never wrote an ethics, but his contribution to philosophy through his exploration of the limits of hermeneutics was characterised by an ethical substratum that today serves to guide us in the chaotic and disordered present in which we live. Hermeneutics as an art of understanding offers us the necessary tools to navigate the stormy seas of relativistic and instrumental thinking, as it reminds us of the shared horizon in which we all participate in order to live in community. This article takes as its starting point Gadamer's later work, work that in some cases was not even included in his complete oeuvre, and it uses his analyses of health, the conditions of social reason, education and the idea of solidarity to show how it is possible to interpret social and human reality in a hermeneutic way and what its ethical implications are.
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