The concept of «being a person» in Baltasar Gracián as an expression of human perfection




Gracián, Baroque, Modernity, be-a-person, subjectivity


In Gracián «to be a person» involves the «ingenious» modulation between the natural «genius» of the man and the world in which he lives. Gracián understands subjectivity from her necessary and constitutive reference to the world, where man constitutes himself as a person. Gracián shows that through the correct articulation between genius and ingenious. In this paper we will analyze the notions of genius, ingenious and person, showing that the last one notion is the result of the correct articulation between genius and ingenious. In addition, we will show that the concept of «to be a person» involved a conception of subjectivity away from the purity and absoluteness of the modern subject.


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How to Cite

Vázquez Manzano, F. (2022). The concept of «being a person» in Baltasar Gracián as an expression of human perfection. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 78(300 Extra), 1479–1495.