The problem of pain according to saint Thomas Aquinas and Luigi Pareyson


  • Javier Díaz Sanz Instituto de Enseñaza Secundaria Juan de Herrera



evil, pain, sorrow, suffering, guilt


This work analyzes the problem of human pain and suffering from two perspectives. The first, that of Saint Thomas Aquinas, especially in his work Disputed Questions on Evil. The second, that of Luigi Pareyson, in his work Ontology of freedom, myth and suffering. In the path of Thomas Aquinas we analyze the concept of evil in itself and in this context that of innocent pain or suffering. Along the lines of Luigi Pareyson, we analyze the issue from a more experiential point of view. The objective of this document is to understand what both authors tell us about the problem of pain in order to put them in dialogue and elaborate the synthesis that we present here.


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Balthasar, H. U. von (1965). Herrlichkeit. Eine Theologische Ästethic. Im Raum der Metaphysik. Altertum. Einsiedeln.

Homero (1941). La Ilíada. Madrid.

Lewis, C. S. (2016). The Problem of Pain. Samizdat.

Pareyson, L. (1995). Ontologia della libertà: il male e la sofferenza. Torino.

Pareyson, L. (1991). Filosofia della libertà. Genova.

Tomás de Aquino (2016). De Ente et Essentia. Milano.

Tomás de Aquino (2007). Quaestiones Disputatae De Malo. Milano.

Tomás de Aquino (2005). Quaestiones Disputatae De Veritate. Milano.



How to Cite

Díaz Sanz, J. (2023). The problem of pain according to saint Thomas Aquinas and Luigi Pareyson. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 78(301), 1667–1683.