The term «metaphysics» at the Latin tradition




Medieval Philosophy, Cicero, Isidore of Seville, Ontology, Aristotle, Abelard, Translation, Knowledge


Studies on the evolution of the notion and the term «metaphysics» have been scarcely addressed by the history of philosophy, and specially, by the philosophical tradition itself. This work, based on what was done by Pérez Fernández (1975), is part of a series of writings that aims to shed light on this process. Specifically, here I will briefly describe how the term «metaphysics» gradually changed its use and spelling in the Latin tradition. I will suggest that Boethius uses the locutions theologia and μετὰ τὰ φυσικὰ in two senses, the first one uses it to refer to the subject that is proper to the metaphysical books of Aristotle (ie philosophical theology), while the second locution uses it in a bibliographic sense. Of this last use, Abelard would give account in his works, which plausibly later influenced the definitive constitution of the term in the School of Toledo. Images of manuscripts are included to illustrate the point.


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How to Cite

Vélez León, P. (2023). The term «metaphysics» at the Latin tradition. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 78(301), 1871–1882.



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