Paul Ricoeur: the agape, the gift and the states of peace




love, justice, agape, Ricoeur, peace, democracy


In this article we roughly examine the alternative to the idea of struggle in the process of mutual recognition. We analyse the concepts that in our modern societies have given rise to concrete states of peace, and that having emerged from the Christian tradition, have a semantic sedimentation that invites us to unravel it. Philia, eros and agape are our key concepts here. We discover how agape distances itself from Platonic eros and Aristotelian philia in the form of infinity and unconditionality; how he donates himself without waiting for reciprocity and without resisting to take the initiative in the establishment of peaceful relations, being able to become very important in the democratic order.


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How to Cite

Campillo Moratalla, I. (2023). Paul Ricoeur: the agape, the gift and the states of peace. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(302), 221–237.



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