The Virtualization of Sense and its Actualization in the Descriptive Discourse. An Interpretation of the Role of Description in the Phenomenological Method of Heidegger


  • Adrián Bertorello Conicet, Centro de Estudios Filosóficos «Eugenio Pucciarelli». Buenos Aires


description, interpretation, meaning, discourse, language, enunciation


This paper aims at clearly defining the meaning that Heidegger gives to the phenomenological description. Therefore, it is not enough to refer to the methodological paragraph of Sein und Zeit, but it is necessary to integrate its notion of phenomenology with the concepts of «understanding», «meaning»,«interpretation», «discourse», «language» and «enunciation». From these concepts, it appears that the semantic conception that describes «meaning» could be understood as a distance that goes from the highest degree of virtuality to the maximum degree of actualization. Phenomenological description is placed at the end of the semantic path.


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How to Cite

Bertorello, A. (2013). The Virtualization of Sense and its Actualization in the Descriptive Discourse. An Interpretation of the Role of Description in the Phenomenological Method of Heidegger. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 67(251), 89–102. Retrieved from


