The academic and pragmatist Carneades: The art of making decisions without assenting to them




Skepticism, Academic, Carneades, Probability, moral decision, criterion, morality


Carneades is an academic skeptic and a pragmatist who wants to base ethics not so much on the idea of Good or Value as on the notion of what is useful, convincing and convenient. A notion based not so much on doing something great that deserves admiration or praise from people, but on not doing harm to anyone and extending personal well-being to the majority. For this he created a norm or guide, a rule of probable or persuasive behavior that invited to act without pretensions or pride, deciding in each moment what seems more probable or persuasive, in each occasion to avoid the apraxia in the moral action. In addition, he was the first to distinguish between following a moral action with the pattern of probability, and the impossibility of assenting to it with certainty of not making mistakes.


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How to Cite

Román Alcalá, R. (2023). The academic and pragmatist Carneades: The art of making decisions without assenting to them. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(303), 371–386.


