The place of E. Laclau’s populist reason in neoliberal rationality




populism, neoliberalism, E. Laclau, M. Foucault


The aim of this article is to problematise the main analyses that have addressed the possible relations between populism and neoliberalism. Although there is already an extensive body of literature on this, here we do not discuss every conception of populism but rather only those that refer to Ernesto Laclau’s populist reason. In the same way, we do not examine every concept of neoliberalism, but rather the neoliberal governance developed by Michel Foucault. More specifically, we focus on the reflections regarding the link between neoliberal governance and populist reason, viewing the latter as a horizon for the political construction of a democratic project, a way of creating a political will with liberating intentions. We will therefore present and scrutinise what we consider to be the essential perspectives while subjecting them to different critical considerations.


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Author Biography

Antonio Gómez Villar, Universidad de Barcelona

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


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How to Cite

Gómez Villar, A. (2023). The place of E. Laclau’s populist reason in neoliberal rationality. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(303), 409–434.


