The comprehension-interpretation problem in Gadamer: An approach from the analysis of the poetic and the philosophical word




poetic word, philosophical word, intepretation, unterstanding, linguisiticallity


For Gadamer, «Being, that can be understood is language», affirmation that would imply that all our comprehension is given in the linguisticallity. Adotionally, Gadamer claims that if there is linguisticality, there is interpretation. But, the subject that is in question in his work is if this linguisticality is concomitant with the comprehension, that is, if in all unterstanding there is linguistic mediation. This article tries to investigate in the analysis of the poetic and the philosofical word, so that, from such analysis, look to the posibilities of resolution of the relation between interpretation and understanding.


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How to Cite

Gazmuri, R. (2024). The comprehension-interpretation problem in Gadamer: An approach from the analysis of the poetic and the philosophical word. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(304), 805–825.