Death as Otherness: an Analysis of Interiority and Self through Byung-Chul Han’s Tod und Alterität




interiority, death, Buddhism, otherness


In Tod und Alterität (2002), recently published in the Spanish language (2012), Byung-Chul Han analyses a philosophical trajectory which comprises Kant, Heidegger and Lévinas in order to point out what he identifies as a position characterized by interiority, which understands the self as a unitary positivity opposed to the negativity of the heterogeneous, otherness and death. These premises, he defends, incur in solipsism, aporia and contradictions which we aim to examine, in order to hone the characterization conducted by Han and provide a critical analysis of it. Both heroism of self and heroism of love constitute, concludes the Korean-born philosopher, wrong answers to the fact of death, proposing in this regard an openness to exteriority marked by Buddhist features, which would involve an emptying of the self. This alternative, filled with religious references, invites us to reflect on the nature of his philosophical project, not just regarding the confrontation of death but as an answer to the issues of modernity.


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How to Cite

Morán Roa, A. (2024). Death as Otherness: an Analysis of Interiority and Self through Byung-Chul Han’s Tod und Alterität. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(304), 957–981.