Beyond Supply and Demand: The Ethics of Responsibility to the Other




core experience, I and the other, human agency, economy, responsibility


This brief exposition of Lévinas’ thought will present the scheme of nuclear ideas (hyperbolic metaphors) so that the reader has an idea of the potential of Lévinas’ thought for economic reality. Lévinas points the way to overcome economic reductionisms: to integrate human freedom within being, within its relationship with the Other. An economic theory that aspires to be part of a complete political philosophy that integrates peace, freedom and justice as members of the Common Good with the person’s aspiration for Good, Truth and Virtue. The economy as a process of innovation and creation cannot be a reduction, but an expansion of satisfaction of needs and an expansion of possibilities for action. There is a retention of possibilities that are embodied in institutions and transmitted culturally. These already institutionalized possibilities of action are transmitted to people so that they can carry out their projects.


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How to Cite

Aranzadi, J. (2024). Beyond Supply and Demand: The Ethics of Responsibility to the Other. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(304), 1041–1053.