Don Juan and Count Enrique go down to hell. The deviations of carnal love in the «Divine Comedy»: classification and literary re-elaborations in Z. Krasinski's «No-divine comedy» and C. Fisa's «Don Juan in hell»




Lust, Carnal love, Hedonistic love, Romantic love, Dante, The Divine Comedy, Zygmunt Krasinski, Carlos Fisas, Don Juan


In canto V of Hell of the Divine Comedy, the author presents different examples of those condemned for lust. In this paper a classification of these characters into two categories is proposed: on the one hand, those who subject reason to erotic passion and, on the other, those who subject it to affective passion. Likewise, the reasons why the Florentine author considers these approaches as serious transgressions against «the order of love» are questioned. Next, a comparative analysis is carried out of these two types of love present in two works that establish a clear intertextuality relationship with the Divine Comedy, namely, the Non-Divine Comedy by Zygmunt Krasinski and Don Juan in Hell by Carlos Fisas. This demonstrates the extent of the influence of this author in different times and cultural spaces, as well as his amazing universality.


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How to Cite

Kazmierczak, M., & Carreira Zafra, C. (2024). Don Juan and Count Enrique go down to hell. The deviations of carnal love in the «Divine Comedy»: classification and literary re-elaborations in Z. Krasinski’s «No-divine comedy» and C. Fisa’s «Don Juan in hell». Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(305), 1657–1674.