From the «transhumanism» to the «trasumanar». Dante and the recuperation of Philosophy




Dante Alighieri, Trasumanar, Julian Huxley, Transhumanism


The object of this article is the study and comparison of the transhumanism of Julian Huxley and the trasumanar of Dante Alighieri. Although they are authors separated in time, they are connected by the fact that Dante’s transumanar inspired the formulation of the word with which Huxley defined his philosophy, transhumanism. In this way, Dante’s thought is traversed throughout the article until we reach, later, that of Huxley with the aim of comparing them and verifying the anthropological scope of both philosophical proposals.


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How to Cite

Monterde Ferrando, R. (2024). From the «transhumanism» to the «trasumanar». Dante and the recuperation of Philosophy. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 79(305), 1675–1695.