The primacy of practical life: Heidegger's concealment of Scheler's phenomenological breakthrough


  • Miguel Armando Martínez Gallego Universidad Pontificia Comillas image/svg+xml



In this paper I will reply to Heidegger’s critique in Sein und Zeit against Scheler’s phenomenology of value, which is based on the omission of the corresponding phenomenological theory of thingness. I will show that Heidegger’s reproach does not reach Scheler’s point of view, which anticipates for more than a decade Sein und Zeit’s phenomenological defense of the primacy of practical life; in fact, only Scheler’s conception of value makes it viable. Finally, I will argue that Heidegger’s understanding of «worldhood» (Weltlichkeit), also independent from the category of «thing», comes very close to Scheler’s notion of «environment» (Umwelt) —instead of «world» (Welt)—, which reinforces the accusation of vitalism directed by Scheler against Heidegger in Das emotionale Realitätsproblem.


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How to Cite

Martínez Gallego, M. A. (2024). The primacy of practical life: Heidegger’s concealment of Scheler’s phenomenological breakthrough. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 80(308), 433–454.



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