The crisis of progress as a secular promise. A theological-political reading of the reactionary turn in the second decade of the 21st century
political theology, progress, promise, QAnon, Dugin, Löwith, MarquardAbstract
Through the examination of recent political phenomena in the United States and Russia, along with the ideological and philosophical discourses that support them (QAnon, Dugin), the current article analyses the resurgence of a theological-political discourse that boost anti-modern tendencies in the second decade of the 21st century. This reactionary turn can be understood as an eschatological impulse arising from the collapse of the promise of progress in its ongoing attempt to become a secular category. To support this statement, we will use elements of the secularization theorem applied to the idea of progress according to Löwith. Finally, we will explore the proposal of eschatological neutralization in Marquard as a possible response.
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