Being and «genera» of being in Ancient Stoicism. A relevant ontological distinction applied to ethics and action theory


  • Marcelo D. Boeri Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile


genera of being, categories, Stoicism


This paper is focused on the Stoic doctrine of genera of being and the way in which such a doctrine appears to function in ethics and in action theory. In section I, the soul-body problem in Aristotle is briefly discussed; I argue that, in order to overcome the difficulties of the relation between soul and body in a psychology maintaining that the soul is an immaterial entity, the Stoics were willing to endorse a physicalist psychology. Second, I offer an account of the Stoic ontology and attempt to show the role of each genera of being in such an ontology. In section III I return to the Stoic genera of being but concentrating on the suitable connections to make more persuasive the thesis that the Stoic genera of being should play a role in ethics and in action theory. Finally, in section IV I present some concluding remarks.


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How to Cite

Boeri, M. D. (2014). Being and «genera» of being in Ancient Stoicism. A relevant ontological distinction applied to ethics and action theory. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 66(247), 35–54. Retrieved from