The Political Reading of the Bible and an Application to Thomas Hobbes’s Interpretation of the Book of Samuel


  • Jorge Alfonso Universidad de Tarapacá


federalism, contractualism, organic thinking


The article is an introduction to the political reading of the Bible. Jewish federalism is shown as the paradigm of modern contractualism. The author refers to the right interpretation of the Bible onthe basis of the works of Daniel J. Elazar, Max Kadushin y Eric Voegelin. At the end, as an example, the author critizes Hobbes’s interpretation of the Books of Samuel, which is controversial for not taking into account essential aspects of Biblical hermeneutics.


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How to Cite

Alfonso, J. (2013). The Political Reading of the Bible and an Application to Thomas Hobbes’s Interpretation of the Book of Samuel. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 69(260), 423–439. Retrieved from