Giordano Bruno and his Conception of Infinity of the Reality


  • Manuel Cabada Castro Universidad Complutense Madrid


Giordano Bruno, infinity, universe, divinity


Giordano Bruno, in its basis of created reality as infinite, uses a series of metaphysical reasons which are closely in relation with the conception of divinity as infinite in itself. In consequence, the reality which has its origin in divinity has to be thought also as possessing in some way the character of «infinite». In this way, in Bruno, is given a simultaneous process of closeness to traditional neoplatonism or augustinianism and decisive distancing from aristotelianism. The result is a magnificent vision of
reality which appears in the brunian system as created icon of the same infinity of the divinity without
identifying itself pantheistically with it.


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How to Cite

Castro, M. C. (2014). Giordano Bruno and his Conception of Infinity of the Reality. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 66(248), 197–226. Retrieved from