The silence of progress: The Historie Triple-Space reduction of Condorcet


  • Hernan Neira Universidad de Santiago de Chile


Condorcet, progress, America, philosophy of history, natural reason


Based upon Turgot, Condorcet, in the Esquisse d’un tableau historique du progrès de l’esprit humain, elaborates the philosophical idea of «progress». He also realises a triple reduction of space, history and philosophy. He deduces the universal pretention of progress from the western european space, from the western history and, within this one, from the model of a european struggle between philosophy and superstition. The space-time narrowness of the Esquisse prevents Condorcet from plainly assuming the consecuences of the widening of the concept of world, produced by XVIth century great travels. Here we deal with the meaning of that reduction in the philosophy of progress and about
the role of America (Latin and South America) in it. In order to do that, we analyse, aside, the escholastic
idea of «natural reason».


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How to Cite

Neira, H. (2014). The silence of progress: The Historie Triple-Space reduction of Condorcet. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 66(249 S.Esp), 771–790. Retrieved from