The Fellow-man gives Time. Some critical remarks to Levinas Philosophical Project


  • Jorge Úbeda Escuela de Filosofía. Madrid.


ethic, First Philosophy, act, epojé, temporality, fellow-man


Ethics as first philosophy is the name that Levinas choose for his philosophical project. In this paper I give an approach for this project following three items: the new notion of act set up by phenomenological descriptions of intentionality and temporality given by Husserl; a reflection on phenomenological conditions of epojé and an original receipt, done by Levinas, of jewish thought about Fellow-man. Finally, I point out three critic conclusions about the levinasian project.



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How to Cite

Úbeda, J. (2014). The Fellow-man gives Time. Some critical remarks to Levinas Philosophical Project. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 66(249 S.Esp), 791–808. Retrieved from