Stephen Hawking, the Grand Design and the mass media communication: Philosophy, Science and Religion


  • Leandro Sequeiros Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales de Zaragoza. Colaborador de la Cátedra Ciencia, Tecnología, Religión de la UPComillas
  • Juan Antonio Martínez de la Fe Colaborador de la Cátedra Ciencia, Tecnología, Religión de la UPComillas
  • María Dolores Prieto Santana Colaboradora de la Cátedra Ciencia, Tecnología, Religión de la UPComillas


Hawking, The Grand Design, Philosophy, Sciencie, Religión, Atheism, Univers, M. Theory.


The return of summer vacances 2010 coincide with the notice concerning the inminent publication of a provocative and scandalous book by the eminent Phisicist Stephen Hawking. The Grand Design came out on September 7 in EE.UU. and on 9 in United Kingdom. On November 15th, the Spanish edition have been issued. The Spanish newpapers have published some fragments, which apparently show Hawking intends to prove scientifically that God not exists. The communications media remark by different ways the scarce frangments of the text: «God is not necessary», «Hawking proves God not exists», «Creator God is a destroyed mith», «Hawking scientifically proves God not exists», «God expeled of the Universe»… We have tracked more than hundred web-pages in which the contents of Hawking book are comment. Rationalists and religious sectors have standed in the debate. But, what has Hawking really defended in The Grand Design?


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How to Cite

Sequeiros, L., Martínez de la Fe, J. A., & Santana, M. D. P. (2014). Stephen Hawking, the Grand Design and the mass media communication: Philosophy, Science and Religion. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 66(249 S.Esp), 809–832. Retrieved from



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