Two Accompaniments to the Servetian First Theological System: Christology and Soteriology


  • Daniel Moreno Moreno I.E.S. Miguel Servet, Zaragoza


sixteen century studies, Trinity, filiation, faith, justification, charity.


This paper is dedicated to the explanation of Michael Servetus’ Dialogorum de Trinitate libri duo. De iustitia regni Christi, capitula quatuor (1532), and completes my book Sobre la verdadera solución de Miguel Servet al misterio de la Trinidad (2008), in which I carried out an in-depth study of the De Trinitatis erroribus libri septem (1531). Both the Servetian shades on his Christology and the exposition of his Soteriology are dealt with, completing his first theological system. While Servetus dwells on God in his first works, in the second one he works on Christ and the Holy Spirit.


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How to Cite

Moreno, D. M. (2014). Two Accompaniments to the Servetian First Theological System: Christology and Soteriology. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 66(249 S.Esp), 847–864. Retrieved from



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