Phenomenology and analytic of sensitivity: Zubiri’s arguments


  • Enzo Solari Universidad Católica del Norte, Chile


sensation, perception, neuroscience, Zubiri, Reid, Searle, intentionality, consciousness


This article seeks to clarify the phenomena of sensation and perception. In this regard, deficiencies are identified in neuroscience and are assessed the actual contribution of phenomenological philosophy of Zubiri and others, common sense philosophy of Reid, Searle’s analytic philosophy and
others. In the end, it is suggested that different forms of sensitivity refer to all problems, particularly that
of intentionality and consciousness.


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How to Cite

Solari, E. (2014). Phenomenology and analytic of sensitivity: Zubiri’s arguments. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 65(245), 389–411. Retrieved from