The cristological thought and evolution in Teilhard de Chardin


  • Agustín Udías Vallina Universidad Complutense de Madrid


Teilhard de Chardin, evolutive world, Cosmic Christ, Christology, Omega Point, Christogenesis


As part of his evolutionary cosmic vision Teilhard developed an original Christological thought. His main idea was to place the person of Christ as the convergent focus of all evolution. This conception was already present in his earliest writings which he spoke of the universal Christ and about the cosmos being centred in him. Once his conception of the evolution converging in an Omega Point was established, he identified the Omega Point with Christ, so that the whole process of cosmogenesis becomes a true Christogenesis. For him the evolutionary vision of the world, presented by science, demanded a new Christology. One must add now to the cosmic vision consequence of the evolution a Christic sense of the world, consequence of Christ’s presence as the enlivener of the evolutionary
process. For Teilhard this was not a mere theory, but the motor of his interior life, and he conceived his
mission as an effort to universalise Christ and Christify the universe.


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How to Cite

Udías Vallina, A. (2015). The cristological thought and evolution in Teilhard de Chardin. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 63(238 S.Esp), 583–604. Retrieved from