Theology of evolution (I): Active self-transcendence. Karl Rahner, 1961


  • Manuel G. Doncel


Karl Rahner, hominization, active self-transcendence (or self-overcoming), matter-spirit relationship, divine transcendental action


This article is the first of three articles presenting three intuitions that we believe are valuable in elaborating today a rich theology of «creation in evolution». The other two succeeding articles are «The Trinitarian Creative Call According to Karl Schmitz-Moormann (1997)» and «The Spirit as Source of the New According to Denis Edwards (2004)». On the philosophical and theological level, we would like to understand this «cosmico-biological evolution» as our own «mega-history». We begin by asking how to explain the advance of evolution where human spirituality seems to emerge from matter. It is a problem that is philosophical (Can more come out of less?) and theological (How to understand creative action that is respectful of creation?). We believe that the resolution of the problem needs to be based on Rahner’s 1961 intuition, from which we will get with didactic conciseness the central nucleus of his fundamental 1961 document about «self-overcoming» or «active self-transcendence» in relation to hominization. We will then look for the context and the date when the intuition was first elaborated by analyzing three of his documents that are immediately prior and related to the fundamental 1961 document, consequently deducing that the intuition practically occurred in 1960. Finally, we will present some articles dated a little after 1961. Some of these articles disseminated his central ideas, while others criticized them. We will also enumerate some later publications of Rahner that clarify this thought.


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How to Cite

G. Doncel, M. (2015). Theology of evolution (I): Active self-transcendence. Karl Rahner, 1961. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 63(238 S.Esp), 605–636. Retrieved from