Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Physics, philosophy and mystic


  • José Antonio Rojo Universidad De Zaragoza
  • Leandro Sequeiros Facultad De Teología, Granada


Albert Einstein, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Science-Religion Struggle, Physic, Philosophy of Science, Theology, Mystic


The year 2005 was proclaimed by the United Nations as «The International Year of Physics». The celebration was motivated by the centenary of the Einstein’s publication of five papers, which change the physical science paradigm. Albert Einstein died fifty two years ago, on 18th April 1955, in Princenton, New Yersey (USA). Einstein caused a true revolution in science, philosophy and consequently in some aspects of theology, according with the new theories on the space, the time and the light. This number of Pensamiento tries to comment and discuss one of the features of Einstein personality: his position towards religion. After a brief look on his scientific life, three aspects of the scienceand religion dialogue are emphasized: the religion role in his private life, the religion philosophy which can be deduced from his writings and the relationships between physical principles and theology.


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How to Cite

Antonio Rojo, J., & Sequeiros, L. (2015). Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Physics, philosophy and mystic. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 63(238 S.Esp), 659–692. Retrieved from