From the recognized self to states of peace. Paul Ricoeur: paths to hospitality


  • Tomás Domingo Moratalla Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid


states of peace, mutual recognition, gratitude, hope


One of the fundamental concepts that Ricoeur develops in his last works is the concept of «states of peace». It is an interesting and prolific concept, because it allows us to think about encounter, mutuality and mutual recognition. To reflect on the states of peace is to reflect on identity and difference. It is a profound criticism of the mercantilization of our society from the perspective of a philosophy of gift. To appeal to notions like love, peace, solicitude, hospitality or states of peace is not in any way to fall in a naïve position; on the contrary, the use of these concepts demands, at times, a greater intellectual effort. The framework within which Ricoeur develops the concept is novel, because he tries to do something that has been ignored by the entire philosophical tradition: the theory of recognition. There are many philosophies of knowledge, but no philosophies of recognition. Recognition, gratitude and hope acquire philosophical protagonism here. For that reason, to recognize the philosophy of Ricoeur is to thank him for the reasons that he offers us in order not to be hopeless.


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How to Cite

Moratalla, T. D. (2016). From the recognized self to states of peace. Paul Ricoeur: paths to hospitality. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 62(233), 203–230. Retrieved from


