Place of science, technology and religion in the emerging culture


  • Juan Antonio Estrada Universidad de Granada


science, technology, religion, modern culture, progress, social evolution


No doubt about the current changing times. That fact translates into names like postmodernism, late-modernity and globalization, to designate the new historical phase we have started. From another perspective, we can speak of the third industrial revolution, which puts the emphasis on science and technology as engines of progress and social evolution. It is a revolution in which emerges a new paradigm of human understanding of the world. Society as a whole is influenced by technical scientific change, in which no longer exists exempted cultural areas. Therefore cience areas poses problems in all cultural fields, including religion.


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How to Cite

Estrada, J. A. (2015). Place of science, technology and religion in the emerging culture. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 69(261 S.Esp), 583–600. Retrieved from