Caelestia of mediaeval neoplatonism


  • Alfons Puigarnau Universidad Internacional de Cataluña



Caelestia, Middle Ages, Neoplatonism, Latin Patristics, Romanesque Art, Medieval Texts, John Scottus Eriugena


Between the late-Antiquity period and the development of the Western Humanism in Europe the system of ideas called Neoplatonic Thought influences different interdisciplinary areas of knowledge. Philosophy, theology, art and literature register a particular development of the reference to the transition of visible into invisible in the aesthetic and historical manifestations provided by inscriptions, art, music and Latin poetry. In this paper so-called Caelestia like Death, Voyage, Judgement and Divinisation are postulated and theorised as different methodological possibilities where a peculiar epistemology of Transition to a certain «beyond» can have solid historical and interpretative basis.


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How to Cite

Puigarnau, A. (2014). Caelestia of mediaeval neoplatonism. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 70(263), 323–340.


