The concept of nature as the password of moral behavior in Lucretius


  • Ramón Román Alcalá Universidad de Córdoba



Lucretius, Epicureanism, ethics, nature, moral behavior, philosophy, therapy, technique


This article will prove that Lucretius nature is the key to your entire system. The poet demonstrates a coherent logic that nature, as the reality principle, is underpinning first the creation of the cosmos as a material principle, second, the development of the human race, and anthropological principle and, finally, action and human behavior as a moral principle. Nature is thus a mark for the understanding of the cosmos, a key to the knowledge of mankind and a password that activates moral behavior.



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How to Cite

Román Alcalá, R. (2015). The concept of nature as the password of moral behavior in Lucretius. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 70(264), 551–562.



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