«Because of the sun». A reading of the stranger by Camus


  • Amalia Quevedo Universidad De La Sabana, Colombia




Camus, tedium, accidia, sun


Nowadays, after the publication of Albert Camus’s posthumous and autobiographical book, The first Man, we are finally entitled to understand the complex and inexhaustible Camusian novel, The Stranger. Now that existentialism has lost much of his social presence, we can have recourse to different hermeneutical keys, neither political, nor ideological or existentialist, that would allow us to read The Stranger. One of them is provided by the ancient concept of accidia, linked to the noontide demon. The article examines as well the use Camus makes of the notion of tedium, intrinsically related to that of accidia.



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How to Cite

Quevedo, A. (2015). «Because of the sun». A reading of the stranger by Camus. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 70(264), 563–576. https://doi.org/10.14422/pen.v70.i264.y2014.007



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