Theology of Evolution (III): Denis Edwards (2004) and the Holy Spirit as Source of the Emergent New
D. Edwards, K. Rahner, active self-transcendence, relational ontology, relational identity, evolutionary emergence, proper role, Holy Spirit, ecstasy, koinonia, Basil of Caesarea, Richard of St. VictorAbstract
We now conclude the presentation featuring the triad of valuable insights for developing atheology of ‘evolutionary emergence’. This presentation was initiated with the insights of Karl Rahner and Karl Schmitz-Moormann [in PENSAMIENTO, vol. 63 (2007), pp. 605-636, and vol. 64 (2008), pp. 783 to 814]. We now present the insights of the Australian Catholic theologian Denis Edwards, from his book published in 2004. An expert in the theology of Karl Rahner, he begins with an intuition of ‘active self transcendence’, but enriches it substantially from his philosophical option for a ‘relational ontology’ as well as his profound knowledge of tradition and Trinitarian Pneumatology. In this way he comes to his central insight that divine action facilitates evolutionary emergence which takes place through the self transcendence of creatures, a function which is the ‘proper role’ of the ecstatic and life-giving Holy Spirit. On the other hand, his new interpretation of the ‘creative relationship’ as explained by St. Thomas, also intuits this relationship as a function that is the ‘proper role‘ of the ecstatic and life-giving Holy Spirit. The preceding intuition sees the importance of highlighting these functions or roles that are ‘specific’ (and not merely ‘appropriated from’) to the divine persons, within the undivided action of the Trinity vis-à-viscreation. The first part of this article presents these three intuitions in the form of a thesis (§ 1.3). However he begins by presenting the philosophical base of ‘relational ontology’ of the universe and the Trinity, through the three ‘open transcendentals’: ‘relationship’, ´identical relations’ and ‘evolutionary emergence’. Further on it is based on various theological perspectives of the action of the Spirit in creation: biblical, patristic and modern theology. The second part seeks to trace in the publications of Denis Edwards his conceptual itinerary: Rahner’s Christological concept through a new Trinitariansm, revival of Richard S.Victor unto a pneumatocentric conception – one which is aroused by environmental concerns (§ 2).Downloads
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