Intercultural Dialogue. A Utopia of 21st Century


  • Mª Carmen López Sáenz UNED. Madrid



Interculturalism, multiculturalism, phenomenology, hermeneutics, intersubjectivity


Having clarified what we mean by «utopia», we adopt the phenomenological attitude in order to search for the meaning of interculturalism in our multicultural world. The latter loses its indifference when it is understood and incorporated into our praxis thanks to multiculturalism, which is primarily a moral challenge. The centrality of dialogue in philosophical hermeneutics lends new energy into this phenomenon. Our hermeneutic exercise is going to reactivate the phenomenology of intersubjectivity as the origin of social life as well as the source of the encounter between cultures. We will conclude by defending the need to restore the concrete universality so as not to dissolve multiculturalism neither into relativism nor into culturalism; in this way, multiculturalism acquires meaning as interculturalism, which is not attained neither spontaneously nor by adhesión to the other cultures after denying the our own. We reach interculturalism by building ourselves and by configuring it together consciously as a process of identification within differences.



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How to Cite

López Sáenz, M. C. (2015). Intercultural Dialogue. A Utopia of 21st Century. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 71(265), 73–94.


