The problem of violence and its liberation in the Philosophy of Krishnamurti


  • Manuel Suances Marcos UNED



Krishnamurti, violence, hate, fight, power, selfisnesh, observation, intelligence, comprehension, energy


The aim of the thought of Krishnamurti is human freedom. The first challenge of it is to face the center point of instincts and stimulations that man shares with animals and that resumes that we call violence. Krishnamurti makes a deep analysis of this aim pointing out its roots, shapes, causes and nature. Then it centers its objetives in the possibility of avoiding violence advising of the erroneous solutions of the problem. After this, it is centered in the real way of the eradication of violence that is the direct way, intelligent and comprehensible. This comprehension offers a new energy that expels the violence of the inner space of the soul.


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— Krishnamurti, Comentarios sobre el vivir, primera parte, Buenos Aires, Kier 1994

— Conversaciones con estudiantes, Buenos Aires Kier, 1994.

— Diario II, México, Sudamericana 1991

— El libro de la vida, Madrid, Edaf 1996.

— El vuelo del águila, Barcelona, Paidós 1986.

— Krishnamurti y la educación, Barcelona,Edhasa 1991.

— La conciencia fragmentada, Buenos Aires, Kier 1994.

— La crisis del hombre, Buenos Aires, Kier 1989.

— La libertad primera y última, Barcelona Kairós 1996.

— Limpia tu mente, Barcelona, Ed Martínez Roca 1999.

— Mas allá de la violencia, Barcelona, Edhesa 1991.

— Obras Completas I, Buenos Aires, Kier 1994.

— Obras Completas III, Buenos Aires, Kier 1997.

— Pedagogía de la libertad, Barcelona, Oasis 1996.

— Principios del aprender, Barcelona, Edhesa1988

— Reflexiones sobre el ser, Buenos Aires, Errepar 1999.

— Clavier, A., Caminar con Krishnamurti. Buenos Aires: Kier, 1989.

— Jayakar, P., Krishnamurti: Biografía. Buenos Aires: Kier, 1989.

How to Cite

Suances Marcos, M. (2015). The problem of violence and its liberation in the Philosophy of Krishnamurti. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 71(265), 177–200.



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