«Iustitia et ius naturale» in «De iure belli ac pacis»
Some Remarks on the Grotian distinction between Expletive and Attributive Justice
justice, ius naturale, faculty, aptitude, perfect right, imperfect rightAbstract
This paper shows how the concept of Natural Right (ius naturale), also in its subjective dimension, is conceived by Hugo Grotius as dependent on a primary relationship with the notion of justice considered in a broad sense. The author contends that the Grotian critical reconstruction of the Aristotelian categories of justice, i.e. corrective-distributive in terms of expletive-attributive respectively, largely determines the way in which the notion of ius might be understood. Accordingly, the content of Natural Right in Grotius’ view is not confined to a scope merely articulated by subjective rights, as it is usually presented, but it is extended to a genuine moral field wherein natural law can and must be understood in the light of the demands of virtue, not vice versa.
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