Aristotle Imagines Being. Dialectics and Phantasia in the Origin of Knowledge


  • Claudia Carbonell Universidad de La Sabana



imagination, first principles, scientific theories, hipolépsis, Aristotle.


This paper seeks to explore the cognitive performance of imagination [φαντασία] in building the starting point of scientific explanations. I wish to indicate how φαντασία plays a rol in the construction of meaningful wholes which allow the emergence of conceptual horizons for scientific theories. With this in mind, I turn first to the traditional doctrine of the knowledge of principles in Posterior Analytics II, 19. Secondly, I will discuss De Anima 402b16-403a2, a text which I believe sheds light on this issue. In conclusion, I point out some overlaps between the role of imagination in understanding theoretical principles and the role its plays in shaping the ultimate goal of human life.


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Obras de Aristóteles

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How to Cite

Carbonell, C. (2015). Aristotle Imagines Being. Dialectics and Phantasia in the Origin of Knowledge. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 71(267), 645–658.



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