Evolution, Ethics, Religion Introduction tu Biological Philosophy of Francisco J. Ayala
Ayala, theory of evolution, darwinism, biology and culture, science, ethics and religion, inteligent design.Abstract
The debate on the theory of evolution goes on in the boundaries between science and
ethics, and science and religion, Francisco J. Ayala, darwinian biologist and humanist scientist,
proposes an elegant balance in the relationship between science, ethics and religion, against all kind of
fundamentalisms, either scientist or religious, considering the darwinian theory of the natural selection
as a gift to science and religion, and defending the compatibility of both in order to achieve a richer
view of human life. This paper aims to serve as a first introduction to the philosophical thinking of
Profesor Ayala, who thinks from science, but beyond science: 1) the darwinian revolution (science as
matter of fact), 2) human nature as biological and cultural fact (ethics as matter of value), and 3) the
compatibility between science and religion (religion as matter of meaning).
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