Towards a Philosophy of Astrobiology


  • Roberto Aretxaga-Burgos



astrobiology, exobiology, biology, philosophy, philosophy of astrobiology, philosophy of biology, ethics, theology, science, technology, society, sense, communication, reality, definition, discipline, sub-discipline, life, intelligence, extraterrestrial,


Based on the history of astrobiology and astrobiological literature, we explore the possibility and necessity of a Philosophy of Astrobiology, and propose a tentative definition of Philosophy of Astrobiology for being considered as a possible sub-discipline of Philosophy of Science, different from Philosophy of Biology. We include a Bibliography for a Philosophy of Astrobiology. 


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Author Biography

Roberto Aretxaga-Burgos

Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao


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How to Cite

Aretxaga-Burgos, R. (2016). Towards a Philosophy of Astrobiology. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 71(269 S.Esp), 1083–1118.