The Seventh Great Cosmovision: Quantum Mechanics and Conscious Universe


  • Adolfo Castilla



worldview, spirit, consciousness, subjectivity, strong aI, NBIC convergence, transhumanism, posthuman


This paper deals with the very general and old theme, but at the same time a very current one, of differences and possible relationships between matter and spirit. It is done through the consideration of phenomena so call, «worldviews», or general interpretations of what is our world and what men do in it, which emerge periodically in humanity as a result of great discoveries and great explanatory theories on the nature of our universe, including man within him. It is suggested that we are entering the seventh «worldview» in the history of humankind and it is defined in general terms. The enhancement of humans in physiological and mental terms may be one of the concrete results of the new interpretations and technological changes that accompany them, as well as the pervasive use of Strong Artificial Intelligence, creation of humanoid robots and the construction of «spiritual Machines». More important than all this, and to what we refer especially, is the fact that the new stage of man before him, can be characterized by an increased role of spirit, consciousness, and subjectivity in the progress of our world, something to what new ideas related to Quantum Mechanics and the possibility of existence of a Conscious Universe contribute in an important manner.


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Author Biography

Adolfo Castilla

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid

How to Cite

Castilla, A. (2016). The Seventh Great Cosmovision: Quantum Mechanics and Conscious Universe. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 71(269 S.Esp), 1401–1415.



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