The artifact-character of the statement in the heideggerian philosophy of the 1920’s: an analysis and critique of Robert Brandom’s and Rainer Bast’s interpretations


  • Luciano Mascaró CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas) ANCBA-CEF (Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires-Centro de Estudios Filosóficos)



artifact, statement, Heidegger, Brandom, Bast


This research attempts to approach a discussion which derives from the study of the 1920’s Heideggerian philosophy: the issue that we propose to analyze could be expressed throug the question: is the statement an artifact, a mode of taking care (of) [Besorgen] , or none of those? In order to provide an answer for this question, we shall crittically attend to the interpretations of two important commentators of Heidegger’s works, who have reflected upon the theme, and offered their own readings: Robert Brandom and Rainer Bast. As a conclusion we will propose our own reading, in an attempt to unify the discussed subjects and suggest an integrative of the heideggerian approaches on the artefactual character of the statement.


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How to Cite

Mascaró, L. (2016). The artifact-character of the statement in the heideggerian philosophy of the 1920’s: an analysis and critique of Robert Brandom’s and Rainer Bast’s interpretations. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 72(270), 119–129.



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