The material Advance of the old Idealism


  • María José Binetti CONICET Argentina



speculative turn, ontology, dialectics, negativity, mediation, ecology


The current article aims at drawing the line of speculative continuity that connects the absolute idealism with what some authors have called the last materialist program of the old German idealism. The ontological or speculative turn of contemporary philosophy has been proclaimed itself as heir to the old idealist tradition, especially in consideration of two main ideas, namely: the reflexive negativity of the absolute, and its mediate immanence in the ground of everything. Around these two ideas articulates the new dialectical materialism, which general features I will try to follow, particularly through Slavoj Žižek, and Catherine Malabou.


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Author Biography

María José Binetti, CONICET Argentina

Investigadora Adjunta - CONICET

Dra. en Filosofía


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How to Cite

Binetti, M. J. (2019). The material Advance of the old Idealism. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 75(284), 701–716.



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