Secularism, Religion and Democracy. The democratic turn in the secularism-religion debate


  • Diego Bermejo Universidad de Deusto



secularism, religion, democracy, postmodernity, postmetaphysics, postsecularity, fundamentalism


The revival of the religion in the new context of a global world-society, which is as modern as religious, doesn´t happen only as a sociological result of the dismantling of the postcolonial world —which denies the secularist forecast of the religion decline and provides the pluralism phenomenon with an unthought-of ethical and political complexity and virtuality—, but as a result of the modern reason crisis too, that makes reason rationally unable to justify political life relying on a rationalist ethical monism. The rationalist last foundation crisis affects as much the fundamentalist religious claims —which pretend to interpret the so called «religion resurgence or religion revival» in a «postsecular society» in a rapidly triumphal way, as the secularist claims which pretend to deny the religion any ethical and political virtuality in the public sphere. The democratic turn, antiauthoritarian and antidogmatic, coherently demanded within the context of the modern reason crisis by three wellknown representatives of the postmetaphysical, hermeneutical and pragmatist philosophy, such as Vattimo, Habermas and Rorty, replaces the debate between secularism and religion on the basis of true questions with the other on the basis of solidarity questions.


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Author Biography

Diego Bermejo, Universidad de Deusto

Diego Bermejo es doctor en Filosofía (estancia predoctoral en la Ludwig-Maximilians Universität y en la Hochschule für Philosophie, Múnich), Licenciado en Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación, Licenciado en Estudios Eclesiásticos (Filosofía y Teología), Magisterio. Ha impartido docencia en programas de doctorado, licenciatura y masters en la Universidad del País Vasco, la Universidad de Deusto y la Universidad de La Rioja. Asesor de empresas y Análisis de Tendencias en el Area de Relaciones Humanas y en programas de formación e innovación para la Pymes del País Vasco en el Parque Tecnológico de Miñano (Alava). Ha organizado y dirigido durante años numerosos seminarios y conferencias interdisciplinares en las universidades de La Rioja y la Universidad de Deusto.


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How to Cite

Bermejo, D. (2016). Secularism, Religion and Democracy. The democratic turn in the secularism-religion debate. Pensamiento. Revista De Investigación E Información Filosófica, 72(271), 229–256.